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Air Pressure


We are delighted to announce that the AI on Hi-ASAP will take place at Academia Sinica in Taipei, Taiwan, from September 11 to September 15, 2023.


Bringing together a diverse group of early to mid-career practitioners and researchers from Asia and the Pacific region, our interdisciplinary approach aims to equip participants with the necessary knowledge, experience, and hands-on practices to conduct research on air pollution-related disaster risks using cutting-edge sensing technologies.



Hi-ASAP Program

The Health Investigation and Air Sensing for Asian Pollution (Hi-ASAP) is a regional interdisciplinary research initiative developed under the umbrella of the International Global Atmospheric Chemistry project – Monsoon Asia and Oceania Networking Group (IGAC-MANGO). Hi-ASAP is endorsed as a Future Earth Asia Activity. The main goal of Hi-ASAP is to provide scientific evidence to support effective policy actions to reduce air pollution levels, particularly PM2.5, in the region by applying newly developed low-cost sensing devices. Research groups from 13 different areas in the Asia and the Pacific region have expressed interest in conducting research under the Hi- ASAP framework.


Hi-ASAP Timeline

Training workshops or discussion meetings on Hi-ASAP are held each year from 2019 to 2023, so that research groups can carry out the same methodologies across different study areas, stimulate multidisciplinary interactions, and streamline international collaboration. The Integrated Research on Disaster Risk (IRDR) International Centre of Excellence (ICoE) - Taipei has agreed to support the execution of Hi-ASAP by organizing this series of Advanced Institutes (AI).

The first AI event took place on September 2-6, 2019, at Academia Sinica in Taipei, Taiwan. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the AIs on Hi-ASAP scheduled for October 2020, October 2021, and December 2022 were held virtually. We are pleased to announce that the AI 2023 on Hi-ASAP is  an on-site event again.


Hi-ASAP Participants

The 2023 AI on Hi-ASAP will be attended by 18 young to mid-career researchers from the Philippines, Vietnam, Mongolia, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Thailand, Malaysia, and Indonesia. These trainees are expected to possess the skills necessary to make informed decisions regarding research project implementation, coupled with hands-on experience in the field.

During the program, participants will be required to apply sensor technology and data analysis to their research proposals, with the ultimate goal of mitigating air pollution risks in their respective regions. The collaborative nature of the institute fosters the development of regional research that aligns with the Hi-ASAP initiative.

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